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 حصريا البرنامج الاحترافي لصناعة الأفلام والصور المتحركة الثلاثية الأبعاد AUTODESK SOFTIMAGE V2013 بنسختين x86.x64 بحجم ممتاز على اكثر من سيرفر

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رياض الجنه

عدد المساهمات : 1994
تاريخ التسجيل : 07/04/2011
العمر : 55

حصريا البرنامج الاحترافي لصناعة الأفلام والصور المتحركة الثلاثية الأبعاد AUTODESK SOFTIMAGE V2013 بنسختين x86.x64 بحجم ممتاز على اكثر من سيرفر Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: حصريا البرنامج الاحترافي لصناعة الأفلام والصور المتحركة الثلاثية الأبعاد AUTODESK SOFTIMAGE V2013 بنسختين x86.x64 بحجم ممتاز على اكثر من سيرفر   حصريا البرنامج الاحترافي لصناعة الأفلام والصور المتحركة الثلاثية الأبعاد AUTODESK SOFTIMAGE V2013 بنسختين x86.x64 بحجم ممتاز على اكثر من سيرفر Emptyالأحد أبريل 01, 2012 1:01 pm

حصريا البرنامج الاحترافي لصناعة الأفلام والصور المتحركة الثلاثية الأبعاد AUTODESK SOFTIMAGE V2013 بنسختين x86.x64 بحجم ممتاز على اكثر من سيرفر

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برنامج احترافي لصناعة الأفلام والصور المتحركة الثلاثية الأبعاد من شركة Autodesk مع تأثيرات بصرية رائعة تمكنك من تقديم مشاريعك التلفزيونية الفنية.

Autodesk Softimage 2012 software delivers innovative new creative toolsets; enhanced interoperability with Autodesk® Entertainment Creation Suite Premium products; and new tools that embrace recent technology trends.

New features in Softimage 2012 include:

ICE ModelingClick to play video
ICE Modeling: Create procedural geometry in the Interactive Creative Environment (ICE) based on a set of rules, conditions, and parameters.

Enhanced Everyday WorkflowsClick to play video
Enhanced Everyday Workflows: Enjoy greater overall productivity and ease of use, with across-the-board enhancements. The Texture Editor, Explorer, Schematic View, Scene Layer Manager, Render Tree, Bone Primitive, Reference Models, and Weight Editor have all received attention.

Syflex on ICEClick to play video
Syflex on ICE: Use the power of ICE to achieve greater control and flexibility over Syflex cloth simulations.

UV UnfoldingClick to play video
UV Unfolding: Save time and effort with new UV relaxing and pinning options.

Lagoa Multiphysics: More easily achieve plastic, liquid, soft-body, cloth, and foam-like effects.
Stereoscopic Support: Take advantage of the trend for 3D films with an in-viewport stereoscopic viewer offering a range of display modes and stereopscopic camera rig.
Single-Step Suites Interoperability: More easily take advantage of the focused toolsets in the Autodesk Entertainment Creation Suites Premium 2012, with new single-step interoperability between Softimage and Autodesk Maya, Autodesk 3ds Max, and Autodesk Mudbox™ software.
* ICE FX Builder: Create and modify sophisticated effects more quickly and easily, with the help of the new ICE FX Builder.

ICE Subframe SamplingClick to play video
ICE Subframe Sampling: Calculate collisions more accurately in ICE simulations, with new support for subframe sampling on a per-object or per-point cloud basis.

Vector Displacement Map SupportClick to play video
Vector Displacement Map Support: You can use mental ray rendering technology to render complex high-resolution details created in Mudbox 2012 software or certain other applications on low-resolution geometry.

New ICE Compounds, Preset FX, Shaders, and Model Library: More easily create a wide range of effects and rendered looks in ICE with the help of new compounds, shaders, and pre-defined ICE FX that can be used “as-is”, or customized as required.
* Maya nCache Support: More easily transport geometry and ICE simulations between Softimage and Maya 2012 software.
Consistent F-Curve Editor: More easily switch between multiple products in the Autodesk Entertainment Creation Suites Premium thanks to an updated F-Curve Editor that provides a toolset that offers more consistent functionality and terminology for editing animation curves.
Polygonizer: Build liquid and blobby effects with the new Polygonizer toolset.
SDK Enhancements and Events: Facilities can now more easily customize and extend their tools and pipelines, with the exposure of more core Softimage services and events: Undo Bracketing, onCommand Events, and onRenderPass Events.
Softimage Composite: Softimage Composite toolset offers keying, tracking, color correction, raster and vector paint, rotoscoping, warping, advanced filters, a full 3D compositing environment, and tools that help support stereoscopic productions.
MatchMover Professional Camera Tracking: Extract 3D camera and motion data from video and film sequences in order to insert CG elements into a live-action scene.
FBX 2012: Through support for the Autodesk FBX 2012 asset exchange technology, artists can transfer stereo camera rigs, vector displacement maps, multiple UVs, and subframe samples for icecache and PC2 in and out of Softimage, making it easier to safely pass production assets between products.

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حصريا البرنامج الاحترافي لصناعة الأفلام والصور المتحركة الثلاثية الأبعاد AUTODESK SOFTIMAGE V2013 بنسختين x86.x64 بحجم ممتاز على اكثر من سيرفر
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